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This is a personal blog that I wrote about the educational niche related to my activities as a researcher. The articles I write represent my experiences, viewpoints, and materials related to my expertise.

The content of the article that I wrote does not represent any institution, group, or other. I write with the aim of contributing to education and science in between my activities as a researcher. If there are discrepancies, inappropriate content, or others in the article, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (kandadataofficial@gmail.com). I am happy to receive input and suggestions from my blog readers.

If any of my articles are helpful, don’t hesitate to share my articles with others. However, I urge you not to copy-paste the contents of this article. Citing ideas in this article is welcome, but keep the source listed. Thus conveyed, I hope the article I write on this blog is helpful for all of you!
priyono.id Peneliti dan Founder KANDA DATA. Portofolio: (1) Youtube: Kanda Data; (2) Tiktok: Kanda Data; (3) Instagram: Kanda Data; (4) Website: http://www.kandadata.com/
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